• Van's Views

    AZ State Sponsored Election Fraud

    Maricopa County Recorder Candidate Clair Van Steenwyk comments on Your Right to Vote. We’ve been examining the AZ’s State & Maricopa Counties actions supporting both Voter & Election Fraud in the 2020 Election Cycle to fundamentally transform AZ from Purple to Bright Blue.The Deal made by former SOS Reagan, AG Brnvich and signed onto by Gov. Ducey and then the changes made by Maricopa County Recorder Fontez of sending Early Voting Ballots out to All Voters, County Supervisors only opening 100 rather than 500 Polling Locations. Now here’s a New Final Twist and the Final Straw of Election Fraud by Fontez allowing Voters to simply line out one vote and…

  • Van's Views

    Voter Fraud & Ballot Harvesting

    WAKE UP AMERICA, the Socialist Dems are attempting to Steal Our Government in the Upcoming Elections This Video will explain what the Socialist Dems have prepared for the General Elections which actually start in Oct. due to Early Voting by Mail and of course the Ballot Harvesting that we know goes on in AZ especially, and how they’ve used the Federal Election Forms to register Voters and many very likely aren’t Citizens since you don’t have to prove Citizenship when using the Federal Form, and it’s not Audited at a later date as well. Our former AZ SOS Reagan along with AG Brnovich and Gov. Ducey agreed to using this…

  • Van's Views

    Should Voters Trust Politicians Endorsements of Candidates?

    Clair Van Steenwyk’s comments:  I’ve found in my personal and business life the most important value is Trusting the Character and Judgement of the people in your life and this must also be True for those asking for our votes, as if elected the Candidates will be making judgements that affect our lives for Decades, this is the 1st test of their character and judgement and if we can trust them in accepting endorsements as well, as many candidates have former and present Officer Holders endorsing them hoping the Voters know or recognize their names and vote for the Candidate they endorse. Most voters may recognize their names, however voters…

  • Van's Views

    West Wing Republican Candidate Forum 4 Maricopa County Recorder

    Maricopa County Recorder Candidates;  Steve Richer vs. Clair Van Steenwyk  View, Read Post & Share  We posted this video produced by Kc our video tech / producer, so I decided to accommodate those who asked us post it, I realize the Primary is almost over however since most voters never saw me at an event with my opponent believe content is important for them to view as well. This was the last event of the Primary season and only the 2nd with my opponent, hopefully it will give those who never get the opportunity to attend meetings to see the differences between how each of us view the problems with…

  • Van's Views

    AZ GOP Legislators Violated Oath of Office by Supporting & Voting 4 the National Popular Vote

    The National Popular Vote & AZ GOP Office Holders Support of It and other Legislation they should have Opposed The Definition of a Republic: A state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch. Democracy vs. Republic. … In a republic, a constitution or charter of rights protects certain inalienable rights that cannot be taken away by the government, even if it has been elected by a majority of voters. In a “pure democracy,” the majority is not restrained in this way and can impose its will on the minority, which is us. What’s a Conservative? It’s a derivative…

  • Van's Views

    AZ 2020 Elections Depend on U

    Maricopa County Recorder Candidate CLAIR VAN STEENWYK: I’ve said for yrs. at political events, radio shows, social media before becoming a Candidate for Maricopa County Recorder, most attending had no knowledge and those who do won’t talk about the Deals made behind closed Doors by Career Politicians and especially some Republicans  coming back to Bite Every Supporter of a Constitutional Republic and the Freedoms it gives US. The Deal  made by Brnovich & Reagan with Chicanos Por La Causa, and Gov. Ducey signed Registering New Voters on the Federal Form in AZ without Proof of Citizenship with no Auditing, giving Socialist  Democrats the NewTool to Win 2020, came from this Deal where approximately 300,000 using Federal Registration in AZ, many on High School Campuses recruiting Young Student voters with questionable Knowledge of US History they’ve learned in our Public Schools may Decide the Outcome in 2020General Election for the U.S. Senate and DefeatingPresident Trump. We lost a U.S. Senate seat in 2018 and the AZSOS and Supt. of Public…

  • Van's Views

    Right To Vote but be Informed 1st.

    Maricopa County Recorder Candidate Clair Van Steenwyk comments on Your Right to Vote:  American Citizens have the Right to Vote and Responsibility to beInformed on Candidates & Issues.  Video: https://www.facebook.com/Van4Freedom/videos/292033968666844/?t=11 Most Americans don’t know Career Politicians or Challengers Records, Parties, Politicians and Special Interests know Voters don’t research Records leaving Our Republic on a Cliff.  Voting on personalities rather than Qualified Candidates who support the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, personality contests are okay when Voting for Prom Queens, time to find someone who does research and Make Informed Decisions to Save Our Republic Form of Government or continue voting as in the past pushing Our Rights over the Cliff. Thousands of Americans have Fought & Died for Our Freedoms so Honor their Sacrifices, Garner the Information needed to Save Our Republic, recall many Voters didn’t Like President Trump in 2016, I Thank God enough of us Voted 4 President Trump, which…

  • Van's Views

    AZ GOP Fraud in Delegates Convention Election!

    Clair Van Steenwyk / Candidate 4 Maricopa County Recorder comments on: Our AZ GOP Election 4 the GOP Convention is a Fraud! Instructions at the Top of the Ballot Vote the Official Trump Slate  Do not select individual delegates below Congressional District 8Vote for up to 6 if not voting the Official Trump SlateThe top 3 Vote getters will be elected delegates, the next 3 will be elected as alternates, and below the list to choose from. 1st we’re Directed to Vote for the So Called Trump Slate of Supporters, some former Supporters of McCain and Flake, and Who Not to Vote For, giving It a Clear Advantage over other Candidate, this is Election Tampering. The Ballots were then laid out Alphabetically with Special Exceptions, given the Trump Slate was put at the Topof the Ballot not Alphabetically,…

  • Van's Views

    National Popular Vote Still an AZ Issue!

    Clair Van Steenwyk responds to Rose Sperry’s 5-10-20 Briefs on elected officials & candidate positions on the National Popular Vote: I agree anyone supporting and promoting NPV  and never voted for it, however someone driving the robber to a bank, is also charged with a crime. Fact Judy Burgess introduced HB 2663 NPV in 2/11, Burgess violated her Oath to Support, Protect and Defend the U.S. Constitution. If this bill passed we’d cease being a Republic which we’re Guaranteed Article 4 Section 4, Burgess supported the NPV in the Senate in 16 but never got to the floor for a Vote. ExcusingBad Acts by GOP Legislators in AZ & DC, doesn’t change Facts, and gives us career politicians continually doing more damage, voters need to examine their Records vs. BS to change this, and they count on that never…

  • Van's Views

    Career Politicians Will Destroy the USA

    Clair Van Steenwyk’s comments on Candidate Burgess response to his post: I see former LD 22 Senator Burgess pays attention to posts about her  House & Senate Records, and Voters in LD 1 check her History on NPV in 2011 or 2016 with other AZ GOP Senators, Prime Signor Shooter, Prime Sponsors; Barto and Dial, Co Sponsors Sylvia Allen, Judy Burgess and Kimberly Yee now AZ State Treasurer, bill was tabled in the Senate by Sen. Biggs, support in AZ House 20+ Sponsors & 20 Votes passed the House, more Loyalty to Paid Lobbyists than Oath to US Constitution or AZ Voters they’re suppose to Serve. Burgess gives the Excuse that Some who Support and Promote the NPV may never vote for it, this is a Poor Excuse, as it Violates her Oath of Office, just as the person who drives a robber to a bank, is also charged with a crime. Fact Judy Burgess violated her Oath to Support, Protect and Defend the…

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