• Van's Views

    Presidential Race 6 Key States

    Comparison of 2012 & 2016 General Election      EV      Obama   /  Romney                               Clinton   /   Trump Fl. 29   4,235,270 / 4,162,081 + 73,180          4,485,745 / 4,605,515 + 119,770 MI.16   2,561,911 / 2,112,673 + 446,238        2,268,193 / 2,279,805 +  11,612 NC.15 2,178,391 / 2, 270,395 – 92, 004          2,149,117 / 2,328,101 + 178,984 OH.18 2,697,260 / 2,593,779  + 103,481        2,317,001 / 2,771,904 + 454,903 PA. 20 2,907,488 / 2,619,583 + 287,905        2,844,705 / 2,912,941 +   68,236 WI.10   1,613,950 / 1,408,746 + 205,204        1,382,210 /1,409,467   +  27,257      Romney Lost States by 1,024,004        Clinton Lost States by 681,778        EV…

  • Van's Views

    AZ GOP Politics Fake News & Polls

    Candidates Comments: Van’s Position on AZ GOP Politics as usual in AZ. I do believe if the Media & Press would follow Frosty’s example, AZ, and for that matter the Nation, wouldn’t be in this shape and continue heading in that direction, with once again increasing the Debt and Adding all types of Pork to the Tax Bill they just passed.  We as a People can’t afford more who’ve proven their loyalty to Party or Lobbyists over the People they’re supposedly serving. I, for one, always follow the money and find that it always leads back to those Funding the Candidates by Office Holders Voting against US and for their…

  • Van's Views


    AZ GOP Grassroots FAKE NEWS & POLLS! My comments are meant to show just how the GOP & Career Politicians use the system to plant the names of only those who’ve passed their test of loyalty to the GOP SWAMP MANAGERS, then promoting them as though they are the only ones running, to hopefully assure victory for one of their own and continue Managing the SWAMP. I read the Arizona Republic today and found an article by Hansen & Sanchez about Rep. Franks resignation giving mention to 6 possible Candidates all of whom are in office or have been.  Later in the evening I received two calls one Poll was…

  • Van's Views

    Douglas / Ducey vs. AZs’ Parents & Children

    I now acknowledge it’s crystal clear: Superintendent Douglas hasn’t done all the AZ State Constitution empowers the state superintendent to do, to actually represent the Arizonans who elected her with the Mandate to Eradicate the Common Core agenda! (It’s still not about “standards!”) From the beginning of their time in the respective offices to which we elected them, Governor Ducey plays the tune and Superintendent Douglas dances to it. Albeit, playing the tune just long enough to encourage We the Watchers that she was mounting meaningful resistance to their agenda. The proof of the “pudding” is in the perpetual-touring and two other crucial proofs that spotlight common observations that Superintendent Douglas…

  • Van's Views

    Is AZ a Republic or Socialist State?

    AZ seems to be slipping farther into a Socialist type State Government while the rest of us believe we’re a Republic! I’ve followed the AZ Political System closely for several yrs. now and have continued to see our State fall farther into Socialism than most would notice.This process has been aided by those in the Legislature basically handing the Ball Off to either the Executive Branch, Agencies or Boards along with Propositions on the Ballot  rather than them doing what they’re elected to do which is Represent US. I realize most believe just by them voting on Bills and then sending them forward for the Governor to sign into Law is what they’re suppose to do, however the…

  • Van's Views

    VAN’s CROSSOADS / GOP DC Double Standards!

    NO MORE GOP POLITICAL KOOL AID! I find it’s just more DC SWAMP Politics as usual with the Silence by the GOP pertaining to the Harassment of Women by Dems, but Loud & Clear when it comes to a GOP Candidate the GOP Elites Don’t Want or are able to Control! Does anyone else who follows Politics in DC ever wonder how those who serve in DC at all levels get away with all the Double Talk when it comes to criticizing outsiders and defending or staying basically silent when it comes to those they serve with? I know the recent noise they’ve all made when it comes to Judge…

  • Van's Views

    Investigate DC Office Holders Becoming Rich!

    We’re facing a new time in American Politics or are we?  The accussations against Moore in Alabama are just the tip of the Ice Berg and may very well lead to his defeat or withdrawing from the race before Dec.  We all know the Clintons have had their poor history when it comes Bill sexually assaulting women & Hillary attacking them and defending Bill along with most the Liberal Press, Politicians and  Leftwing Organizations. I’ve also noticed everyone seems to be very angry now about the sexual assault charges of the Clintons, Franken, Moore, and others recently named in Politics, Hollywood and very likely it will spread to other areas…

  • Van's Views

    NFL Kneel 4 The Cross & Stand 4 the Flag!

    A Message from a True Football Legend to the NFL & America! Emmitt Smith one time the Star Running Back 4 University of Florida &  Dallas Cowboys has the Right Idea on this Issue and hopefully his Former Team the Dallas Cowboys along with the Rest of the NFL will get the Message Loud & Clear. God Bless You All; Clair VAN Steenwyk

  • Van's Views

    Does the GOP Platform Matter?

    We have reached a point in America where there’s very little Respect for what most of us Treasure such as; The Bible, US Constitution, Bill or Rights, Declaration of Independence, National Anthem, Pledge of Allegiance, Flag and now falling into that group is what most holding office in the GOP also pledge allegiance to but so often don’t. With the GOP Platform, we the Republican Party reaffirm the principles that unite us in a common purpose. GOP Platform LInk.   I’d like to know just how those who claim to be GOP Conservatives holding office vote against the very Party Platform that they pledge allegiance to and then ask us to vote for them…

  • Van's Views

    AZ Voters Winners / Losers!

    Will AZ Citizens be the Winners in the 2018 Elections or Once Again experience Politics as Usual meaning Political Campaign Promises Made & Broken? In the last few election cycles in AZ we’ve been made several Promises by those seeking our votes and then once in office they proceed as quickly as possible to Break Them. I’d want to know if we’ll ever get Candidates who actually keep their Word to the Voters such as hasn’t been the case with Corp. Commission bar one, who all said they’d protect AZ from over reaching Pvt. Utility Companies and then given them the increases they’ve asked for and now we’re all waiting for the next shoe to drop with EPCOR seeking even more Consolidation of their…

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