• Van's Views

    Illegals Cost US 113 Billion $$$ Annually!

    [aps-social id="1"] Absolutely incredible… Check-out the numbers for your state. We’ve all known for a long time, that many Illegals don’t pay taxes, because they work for cash, yet they get a lot of government freebies like food stamps, phones, school, medical, utilities, rent, etc. We’ve got so many Americans, veterans, mentally incapable, etc. that are now homeless that can’t figure out the ”system” to get the help they really deserve. We've been lied to for Decades now by the Press & Politicians among others and continue to be lied to even today with the Fake Dreamer Issue, as it's much larger than that, however they're using it to get…

  • Van's Views

    Close Dept of Ed

    America Wake Up Now!  SUPPORT HR 899 These stats should frighten all of us as to the future of the United States of America and how we’ve been dumbed down over the last few decades since the Federal Government with the Aide of Both Parties has continued to control not only the Way the Children are taught but also the Material and now with Common Core and Data Collection it will only get worse. The time is now to stop listening to all those in office who pretend it’s getting better or they’re fixing it when in fact it’s just giving them time to entrench the System even more, we…

  • Van's Views

    AZs’ Misinformation on Common Core!

    We all need careful when accepting at face value statements made by any elected officials as many have their own self serving reasons for making them. I was sent this in an email and thought any in AZ and perhaps other states as well might like to take a look at what AZ elected officials would have voters and even other elected officials believe when the facts don’t bare out the realities. These statements made by our elected officials have a tendency to give them all the cover they need when facing the uninformed voters, it’s left to those who know to spend the time and take advantage of every…

  • Van's Views

    Get Off the Federal Ed Choice Train!

    Time to get off the [Federal] Choice Train?  Yes, disembark the Federal Choice Train, that is necessary but likely insufficient for preservation of Liberty. Itasca Small is to be commended for shining her spotlight on the Trojan Horse known as “School Choice.” Does anyone really believe charter schools are not government funded schools?  Many of the dollars for charter schools flow through the same government pipelines that supply “traditional” schools and have the same strings attached. Every school and/or student who accepts government funding is in the ESSA cross hair. Government has pulled the trigger and ESSA is speeding on its way. What reason would lead  anyone to believe ESSA…

  • Van's Views

    Illegal Entry a Criminal Act, Deport the Criminals Pres. Trump

    America’s Creed, Is It Theirs?  I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people; whose powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in the republic, a sovereign Nation of many States; a perfect union, one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my Duty to my Country to Love it, to Support its’ Constitution, to Obey its’ Laws, to respect its’ Flag and to Defend it against All enemies. –Written 1917. Accepted by the United States House of Representatives on…

  • Van's Views

    AZ Rep. Franks Record

    Frank’s GOP Record! Not Friendly to US Constitution… The following pages demonstrate the positions and votes cast by Rep. Trent Franks, our United States Representative for District 8, during his seven terms as congressman. We’ve looked closely at these votes, have come to the same conclusion as the group that put this list together, and rated Rep. Franks at 75%, or at best a Middle C, which was considered just average in my days at school. We realize at first glance this seems acceptable to some. However, upon closer examination I’ve found many of his votes were also rated unconstitutional votes or votes that harm the American worker and economy, I agree with this assessment.…

  • Van's Views

    Federal Government Reforms

    Click To: View Relevant 2012 Video No More Redistribution of Wealth – it’s led us to the brink of disaster. Our elected officials for generations have put us on a path to destruction. We the People have a responsibility as Americans to put an end to this fiscal irresponsibility. *No more Fair Trade Agreements* such as NAFTA which has only hurt the American Worker. *A bill must be introduced called the Congressional Responsibility Act* that will require all proposed regulations from Departments or Agencies be sent to Congress for a “up or down vote” by both House and Senate and Signed into law as stated in Article 1 Section 1 as was…

  • Van's Views


    View Relevant 2012 Video: Clair speaking against the Amendment to HB 2184 in the AZ Senate Ed Committee, along with others. In spite of their testimony, the GOP Senators voted with the GOP  Leadership for the Amended Bill, as directed by Sen. President Biggs and, of course Gov. Ducey– you can’t do the  will of the people by taking orders from the GOP Leadership in AZ or DC!  This hearing was long before Clair decided not to support Sen. Ward for Federal Office and this is one of many State Ed issues that helped him decide not to support anyone who runs who’s already doing the Bidding of GOP &…

  • Van's Views

    Protect Social Security & Medicare!

    Click to: View Relevant 2012 Video Before any Changes are made to Social Security, We must 1st return all Social Security monies back into a Trust* which can’t be accessed by any CONGRESS or any Government Department or Agency other than to pay benefits to those who are eligible for Social Security. The Johnson administration and his Great Society is why Social Security is going broke now. No more funding the general fund with retirement monies! I know that unless those in DC will pass legislation once again Locking Up Social Security Monies as a Trust none of the following solutions will work, as they’ll continue raping the Benefits Monies for Social Security…

  • Van's Views

    Declare War On Radical Islam!

    We Must Declare War on Radical Islams’ Worldwide Terrorism More accurately, we need to form an Alliance with our True Allies in NATO, SEATO, this doesn’t include any Countries who have supported in anyway the Radical Islam Movement as all they’ve proved to us is they can’t be trusted as even Fair Weather Friends, let alone Allies. Our leaders are not taking the time to learn what Islam is about, as they keep telling us that it is a peaceful religion we will believe them. Islam is a religion and ideology all in one. The Islam religion / ideology is bent on total world domination and is willing to take the…

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