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    President Trump trumps Congress on Obamacare!

    President Trump keeping his Promise, where the GOP has broken theirs, and had better know that if they fail on Tax Reform they may be looking for new jobs after the 2018 Primaries, that is if the Voters don’t fall for the Better of Two Evils Theology of the GOP, which is how most stay in office, find Candidates to run against the RINO’s in AZ Primaries. President Trump with a stroke of his Pen began what those in Congress Promised to do but haven’t done for the American Public.  The  Congress makes Campaign Promises / Lies and then Brakes them,  it’s their way of staying in office.  They lie to the American Voters and believe they have no one to answer to, and now with President Trump signing an Executive…

  • Van's Views

    Should Endorsements Matter? Not Really!

     Why I believe Endorsements for the most part shouldn’t influence voters other than possibly get their attention as to who’s running and what they need to do to make their Votes Count. I’ve been asked over the yrs. while Hosting AM Radio to give Endorsements, and learned early on to be very selective and always do my homework before just handing them out to anyone who asked.  Endorsements have many purposes, and of course the person soliciting the Endorsements are hoping it influences voters familiar with the endorser will at least give them a look or even better Financial Support and Votes. The endorsers reasons for handing out endorsements has its’ benefits as well, it makes them look…

  • Van's Views

    America’s National Anthem Defeats No Fans Left Leagues Entertainers!

    America:  Watch the Video for the History of the Anthem, and then Read & Share this one, hopefully we can get those who’ve decided to demonstrate their Disrespect for Our National Anthem just might get the message and do something that would truly make a difference. Will Americans Stand 4 Freedom or Entertainment know your History? History does Matter. You tube video of Our National Anthems History: https://youtu.be/6UprqxlIuwg George Washington stated very clearly what Freedom meant then & should mean now: The American Christian is set apart from all other people in the World as they’ll Die on Their Feet rather than live on their knees. This advice needs to be followed by those who’ve been Blessed with the talent…

  • Van's Views

    Dreamers Demand Amnesty for All Illegals!

    Amnesty Will Transform the U.S.A. by Using the Ballot Box and it will be a Permanent One, and Illegal Border Crossings are on the Rise Again as they believe they’ll be in line for Legal Status as well! Pelosi got a taste of the danger any Democrat faces in getting too close to Trump when a group of angry Dreamers protesting staged a hijacking of her San Francisco news conference on Monday morning to denounce her negotiations with the president, however I believe it’s just a way to add more Illegals to the already long list that President Trump is considering giving Legal Status / Amnesty to along with a…

  • Van's Views

    Who’ll Cave In 1st NOKO or USA?

    Some Military Experts mostly retired now believe the time for sanctions is over and Military Action is necessary, although most in the Diplomatic Core are recommending more sanctions and diplomacy, talks, then waiting to see if China will finally deliver on its’ promises to Enforce the Sanctions, before taking any type of Military Action. I believe Sanctions are a method if Enforced on China within 60 Days of Non Compliance may work, and if President Trump isn’t willing to Enforce these Sanctions due to some experts saying it will Cost the American People Economically such as higher prices for goods imported from China, then we as a Nation have finally and Officially reached the status in the World of a Roaring Lion, which for…

  • Van's Views

    ASU President Crow said We Will Help DACA Students!

    Apparently ASU President M. Crow is willing to do whatever he deems necessary to make it possible for DACA students to continue their education even at the cost to our children paying a higher costs, even though I do believe he’s mandated by law to lower the costs which these funds could be used to do, this is of no surprise to most realizing it’s more about the Political Agenda to the Socialist Elites in Education than it is to Educating Americas Children. I would suggest that anyone wanting to put an End to this type of blatant disregard for the Citizens who pay the bills needs to contact their…

  • Van's Views

    AZ 2016 Elections Rigged to Remove Sheriff Joe!

    Lets examine the General Election Results of 2016 and try to understand just what happened in Maricopa County to Sheriff Joe, as we know Numbers Don’t Lie, even though sometimes they Make NO Sense. Voting Numbers from Maricopa County Recorders Office: Trump 747,361 vs. Clinton’s 702,901 = + for Trump of 44,460. Joe 665,581 vs. Penzone’s 861,757 = + for Penzone of 196,176. Trump 747,361 vs. Joe 665,581 = + for Trump of 81,780 Clinton’s 702,901  Penzone’s 861,757 = +  for Penzone 158,856 Trump  received more Votes than Sheriff Joe , and Penzone vs. Clinton, Penzone received significantly more votes than Clinton, especially considering this was a Hotly ContestedPresidential race , we believe many of the 81,780 who voted for Trump then voted for Penzone not 4 Joe .  The numbers warrant an even larger question, President Trump’s and Sheriff…

  • Van's Views

    Socialist Democrats Rewriting History!

    America get the FACTS of History before the Socialist Democrats destroy their true history of Bigotry and Hate.AZ don’t forget the President is coming to Phoenix on 8/22/17, doors open at 4 pm.God Bless You All;Clair VAN Steenwyk Watch the Short Video: https://www.facebook.com/prageru/videos/1419048691471316/?fref=mentions

  • Van's Views

    Trump Reluctantly Supports Afghan Expansion!

    The struggle between White House advisers calling for Trump to take the lead in a more traditional presidential manner, and pushed for him to force out Bannon -- who lead the National Popular movement in the Economy, Border Security, Immigration Policy, a Non Global Plan, and was forced out by Chief of Staff John Kelly and I'm certain President Trump's daughter Ivanka put in her displeasure with Bannon along with McMaster who has his own plan for American Globalism. Officials pushed Trump into a more moderate direction, those who pushed President Trump in this direction include National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin both Liberal Democrats, who remain in the Cabinet pushing for…

  • Van's Views

    Political Knives Out 4 Trump!

    President Trumps’ Political Enemies are out in Full Force on both sides of the Aisle,Press, Bureaucrats, Lobbyist and GOP Elites as they raise questions about his comments on the Murder in Charlottesville, Va. taken out of context, and realize that it’s more than Charlottesville, Va., that’s simply the vehicle they’re using to push President Trump into making concessions on many issues. President Trump is being attacked from in and outside the White House by so called Allies and Enemies within the GOP, we expect and even depend on the Socialist Democrats to attack the President, however most are surprised when so called Republicans join in the mix. The attacks by Trump’s GOP opponents such as Graham, McCain , Rubio, Flake all Gang of Eight Pro Amnesty / Dreamers is to be expected as they do represent the…

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