Van's Views

AZ 2016 Elections Rigged to Remove Sheriff Joe!

Lets examine the General Election Results of 2016 and try to understand just what happened in Maricopa County to Sheriff Joe, as we know Numbers Don’t Lie, even though sometimes they Make NO Sense. Voting Numbers from Maricopa County Recorders Office:

Trump 747,361 vs. Clinton’s 702,901 = + for Trump of 44,460.

Joe 665,581 vs. Penzone’s 861,757 = + for Penzone of 196,176.

Trump 747,361 vs. Joe 665,581 = + for Trump of 81,780

Clinton’s 702,901  Penzone’s 861,757 = +  for Penzone 158,856

Trump  received more Votes than Sheriff Joe , and Penzone vs. Clinton, Penzone received significantly more votes than Clinton, especially considering this was a Hotly ContestedPresidential race , we believe many of the 81,780 who voted for Trump then voted for Penzone not 4 Joe .  The numbers warrant an even larger question,

President Trump’s and Sheriff Joe’s votes =1,412,942, Clinton and Penzone’s votes =1,564,658

a difference of 151,716, however taking the difference of

Pres. Trump & Joe Votes = 81,780 Votes where did the other 69,936 Votes for Penzone come from?  

Maricopa Co. Recorder Purcell lost as well, possibly due to some Ballot Harvesting, however seems RINOs actually didn’t cross over in this one:

Fontes704,916 vs. Purcells 690,088 = + Fontes14,828  much more reflective of the Democratic support for Clinton, in fact Fontes

received 2,000 votes more than Clinton. so what happened in the Sheriffs race?  The numbers for President and County Recorder are more in line with those voting for President rather than just a County Office.

Presidential County total 1,450,262

County Recorder’s   total 1,395,004

County Sheriff ‘s        total 1,527,338

for me easy to see there’s something fishy about this past election process and we’re hoping there’s a Federal Agency that will look into it as don’t trust AZ SOS or AG to.

President Trump 747,361 / Purcell 690,088 / Sheriff Joe 665,581 doing the Math, this was a heated Presidential Race,  so why aren’t Joe & Purcell’s numbers more in line as Clinton & Fontes numbers are?  The answer for me is one many GOP RINOs voted for Penzone, plus Ballot Harvesting to put him over the top as Dems couldn’t totally depend on the RINO Votes needed to defeat Sheriff Joe.  The numbers get even better when asking another question: Joe vs. Penzone total 1,527,338 and Trump vs. Clinton total 1,450,262 a difference of 77,076 Votes on the plus side of the Sheriff’s race where did they come from ?

I believe the answer to this question is, not enforcing the Ballot Harvesting by Country RecorderPurcell who stated she’d allow Ballots to be turned in on air and in the press, because the GOP Legislature wrote a law to stop Ballot Harvesting without any way to Enforce it,  the GOPLegislators who passed it knew it couldn’t be Enforced but ran on it like they’d done their jobs, this was a Fixed Election to remove Joe by the GOP Elites and for me there’s no question of it as they’d been gunning for him for yrs., and they also brought down AG Tom Horne in the Primary to insure nothing would be done just as nothing was done about the 400,000 pamphlets explaining PROP 123 to voters were mailed out to late to explain to the Early Voters what would really happen, no mistakes made by the GOP Elites that help set this up.

The RINO Liberal GOP in Maricopa County put Joe out of office just put up Trump vs. Penzone and Trump would have lost so the conclusion I reach is quite simple who were the 81,780 who didn’t vote for Joe but did vote for Trump when Joe supported Trump so looks like we have some real GOP RINO Groups in Maricopa County.  I realize that Penzone beat Clinton by some 158,856 votes as well, but was still betrayed by McCain / Flake GOP RINO Elites beginning with the Gov. and his cronies and  among others in GOP leadership.

There maybe another explanation for this which is we have that many uninformed voters who just wanted a new sheriff, and didn’t care what he’d do when it came to closing tent city and releasing Illegal Immigrant Criminals onto the streets of AZ, and didn’t care enough about America to Vote for the President, this isn’t the case in Presidential Elections and I believe this one should have been even more so.

Remember this took place in Maricopa County not generally known as a Democratic Stronghold as proven by once again the Numbers Trump vs. Clinton.

God Bless You All; Clair VAN Steenwyk

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