AZ GOP & Dem Uni Party Split Pork Stealing Our Money!
I received this in an email from a Friend of mine, even though I’d already heard 1st hand from the Rep. in LD 29 brag about this in a meeting at the West Valley GOP meeting and couldn’t believe what I’d heard from A. Smith telling everyone what they’d gotten and how he planned to Spend it like it was his Money, after All I always believed Our Tax Dollars belonged to US and those in Office were suppose to Protect It not spend it and not even a mention about talking to the Voters, LDs or GOP Clubs for some guidance, suppose they actually believe they deserve it, I’m…
Biden’s Puppet Masters Destroying Our Republic?
Federally Controlled Lands Violates the U.S. Constitution Read Article I Section VIII Clause XVI: This prohibits the Federal Government from exercising any Powers or Land Grabs over the Sovereign States of the USA, which they done for most of their existence; {The Congress shall have the Power} To exercise Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District ( not exceeding ten miles square ) Look it up and read it for yourself, this makes the control they’ve taken mostly West of the Mississippi over Forests and Miles of Square Miles completely Illegal and these lands must be Restored to the States. Federal Acres under Oil Development in the 1st 19…
Federal Government Violates Our God Granted Constitutional Rights
Our Government is taking control of our Money giving the US Government Power over all U.S., while they Violate Our Rights. Citizens, which in essence takes away our Liberty. The IRS was ordered to keep track of all monies over $600 in annual transactions, which is a direct Violation of Our God Granted Right to Privacy in the U.S. Constitutions 4th & 14th Amendment Section 1, however Biden’s administration backed down on a controversial proposal, after widespread criticism from Republican lawmakers and banking industry representatives, stating the tax enforcement strategy represented a breach of privacy by the federal government, but the Biden administration and Senate Democrats are proposing to raise…
Republicans / RAT Senators Voted 4 Omnibus!
Here are the U.S. Senator who voted 4 it and many of them won't run in 24, however already have who they'll support chosen, this system is broken but the Voters do the Voting most times no research just read the mailers and endorsements. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky Susan Collins of Maine Mitt Romney of Utah Lindsey Graham of South Carolina Lisa Murkowski of Alaska John Cornyn of Texas John Thune of South Dakota Tom Cotton of Arkansas Todd Young of Indiana Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia John Boozman of Arkansas Jerry Moran of Kansas Mike Rounds of South Dakota Roger Wicker of Mississippi Here's the Republican House Members…
Phoenix Mismanages Homeless in Fear!
Take a look at these pictures and see just what's going on in Downtown Phoenix, they're now using a special method put on them in Fear of the Federal Government & ACLU which files Lawsuits claiming special treatment for the Homeless. I realize those who are Homeless have all types of reasons for their Condition, as I and my wife worked for years on Skidrow in LA, however most of those on the streets are Addicted to Drugs, Need Spiritual & Mental Assistance, believe it or not some just like to be Irresponsible and live off the system. The City of Phoenix and the State of AZ need to come…
Is America About to Fall?
Those who sit on the sideline during these critical times deserve the fruits of their complacency.Men, like nations, think they're eternal. What man in his 20s or 30s doesn't believe, at least subconsciously, that he'll live forever? In the springtime of youth, an endless summer beckons. As you pass 70, it's harder to hide from reality…. as you lose friends and relatives.Nations also have seasons: Imagine a Roman of the 2nd century contemplating an empire that stretched from Britain to the Near East, thinking… This will endure forever… Forever was about 500 years, give or take… not bad, but gone!!France was pivotal in the 17th and 18th centuries; now the…
SCW GOP Club Meeting
The SCW Republican Club meets the 1st Saturday of each month at the Church on the Green 19051 N R H Johnson Blvd, Sun City West, AZ 85375, Doors open at 8:30 am and meeting ends by 11:00 am, this location is next to the Walgreen's Drug Store on the corner of R H Johnson & Camino Del Sol in SWC, we hope to see you there for a meeting to inform and educate like minded Voters of AZ. All Welcome to Attend and take part in the Coffee & Donuts and get acquainted with others, we have Special Events, Speakers Etc. monthly, invite your friends and neighbors to join…
Indoctrinated One Program at a Time
While you watch TV news or a talk show and been concerned with how much the country has changed? A recent poll conducted by a national polling firm "YouGov” questioned typical people on the street. The averaged answers are listed below. What percentage of the country is black? Answers 41%... Actual 13.6% If you watch commercials, you will think it is 90%. What percentage of marriages are mixed race? Answer 50%... Actual 1%. If you watch commercials, you will think it is 90%. What percentage is "Latino"? Answers 39%... Actual numbers 17%. How many families make over $500,000 a year? Answers 26%... Actual figure 1%. We think a quarter of…
AZ Elections Taste Like Fraud!
AZ WAKE UP TO AZ’s LEGAL ELECTION FRAUD COVER UP! Read, Like & Share I watched the meeting at the Capitol with President Trump’s Attorney R. Giuliani and AZ Legislatures with several Experts, and Volunteer Poll Workers explaining what they witnessed at Polling Places and Counting Rooms in the Nov. General Election. I was also at the polls handing out Jim O’Connor’s cards, and Ca. Democrats wearing Biden Shirts talked to voters for Biden and to make sure democrats were able to vote or drop off BALLOTS. I believe the witnesses, as the Legislators holding the meeting said they couldn’t do a thing unless the GOP Leadership in AZ’s House…
Politically Incorrect but TRUE!
Politically Incorrect & It’s TRUE! New Generation of Americans Coming Up Take a Read! Read, Like & Share This Article was written by my Great Nephew Benjamin Van Steenwyk for his ENG 100 in a Ca. College, and he does get push back from his professors and other students, however still wrote it and believes it as well. Politically Incorrect With the results of the 2020 election undecided, let us look back at the last 4 years. Trump has been anything but politically correct and has little desire to change that. Everybody has heard the saying “actions speak louder than words”. Words accomplish nothing, actions achieve results. With people posting…