Van's Views

Presidential Race 6 Key States

Comparison of 2012 & 2016 General Election

     EV      Obama   /  Romney                               Clinton   /   Trump

Fl. 29   4,235,270 / 4,162,081 + 73,180          4,485,745 / 4,605,515 + 119,770

MI.16   2,561,911 / 2,112,673 + 446,238        2,268,193 / 2,279,805 +  11,612

NC.15 2,178,391 / 2, 270,395 – 92, 004          2,149,117 / 2,328,101 + 178,984

OH.18 2,697,260 / 2,593,779  + 103,481        2,317,001 / 2,771,904 + 454,903

PA. 20 2,907,488 / 2,619,583 + 287,905        2,844,705 / 2,912,941 +   68,236

WI.10   1,613,950 / 1,408,746 + 205,204        1,382,210 /1,409,467   +  27,257

     Romney Lost States by 1,024,004        Clinton Lost States by 681,778 

      EV    Obama  vs. Clinton   /   Romney  vs.  Trump   Votes 12 vs.16

FL. 29         +250,475                        + 443,434          +693,909 /16

MI. 16        – 293,718                       + 167,132           -126,586 / 16

NC.15        –   29,271                       +    52,248            –  22,977 / 16

OH.18      – 380,259                         + 178,125            – 202,134 / 16

PA. 20        –   62,783                         + 293,358           + 230,575 / 16

WI.10        – 231,740                          +  27,257            – 231,019 / 16

MN 01 Maine Split = 109 /  Clinton Lost  – 997,771 / Trump Gained 1,161,453 =   +  163,682

2012 Obama won FL, MI, ME, OH, PA & WI. Turn Out 54.9% of Registered Voters: Obama 65,446,032 / Romney 60,589,084 = 126,035,116.

2016 Trump won FL, MI, NC, OH, PA, WI split Maine.  2016 Turn Out 57.9% of Registered Voters: Trump 62,979,636 / Clinton 65,844,610 = 128,824,246.

Clinton received 2,864,974 more votes than Trump however Clinton also received more votes than Obamas’ 65,446,032 just not in the Crucial States that voted for Obama in 2012.

A Difference of + 163,682, however Wisconsin only received 721 more Votes than Romney in 2012 as the Voter turn out was down so even though Clinton lost by Voters overall not Voting.

Trumps spent the time and monies needed in the swing states and the first time voters along with the Crossover Democrat Voters gave him the us the victory over a continued march to Socialism as there were 3% or 2,789,130 more votes cast and Trump got 2,390,552 more votes than Romney and 29% of that came from Florida alone, still losing the popular vote Nationally, which questions the analogy that the Evangelicals came out in droves as they say in 2012 approximately 3 million stayed home, considering  new first time voters and the crossovers who most agreed voted for Trump then the margin should have increased substantially more and of course we had the Utah factor pull over 245,000 votes for Mc Mullin.

Examining the numbers from the Six Swing States only FL. + 693,909, NC. +178,984 and PA. +230,575 = + 1,103,468, then MI. – 126,586, Oh. – 202,134, WI. – 231,019 = – 559,739 , thereby resulting in a gain of + 543,265 over all a lower voter turnout in Four of the Six States than in 2012, this doesn’t indicate a Trend of Evangelicals coming out in these states but in Democrats Crossing Over or not showing up for Clinton which isn’t a dependable consistent base.   The GOP Base must begin to work now to assure all this victory is repeated in 2020 and hope President Trump is able to deliver on his Plans as they inspired First Timers to turn out and Democrats to Crossover, therefore we must all stay connected and in touch with our Reps. & Senators in DC and insist on their Support for what all of us Voted for as we know the Democrats will try to block him and we need to maintain both Houses in 2018 Election Cycle.

God Bless You All; Clair Van Steenwyk 

Contact for more information; Email; or 623-322-9979 / Some of the Numbers may vary slightly depending on the source used for reporting.

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