Van's Views

AZ US Senate Candidate Ward Joins No on NPV

NPV Vilolates U
LD 22 Senate Candidate Clair Van Steenwyk comments on AZ Candidates Opposed to the National Popular Vote: I’ve spoken to and contacted many AZ Candidates about on the issue of the NPV to ask if they Support it or Not, and here’s the latest to respond to our question. We sent this question; The NPV has become quite a hot subject in the last few weeks, and almost daily is being talked about in the Briefs, and so far no one is in favor or supporting or voting for anyone running who voted 4 it, and here’s the response from:
( U.S. Senate Candidate Dr. Kelli Ward: I do not support NPV, not before, not now and will never in the future. Thanks for reaching out! ) 

We’re glad to hear back from Dr. Ward on her position on the NPV, and also realize this may offend some of her former GOP colleagues in the AZ House who passed it, and it had enough GOP Senate support to pass as well, we hope all who read these comments realizes that the NPV should never be supported or voted 4 by anyone who claims to support the U. S. Constitution as it is in direct violation of Article 2, Section 1 Clause 2 and Article V.

Dr. Ward now joins the others against NPV who’ve spoken to us directly Opposing the NPV; CD 8 Candidate Sandra Dowling, AZ Treasurer Jo Ann Sabbagh, AZ Supt. of Public Instruction Dr. Bob Branch, AZ Corp. Comm. Jim O’Connor, LD 21 Senate Candidate Randy Miller, LD 25 Senate Candidate Itasca Small, I’m certain there are others we just haven’t heard back from them and yes some who voted 4 NPV who now say they’d not do so again, funny how when a little light gets shined on a subject many in office change their minds especially in an election year.

We hope this is helpful to all the Voters in AZ, as you Vote is Your Voice and they need to Hear It in 2018.
Link to Show Votes on the National Popular Vote:
God Bless You All; Clair VAN Steenwyk

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