Van's Views

Can AZ Really Be Bought by RINOs?

We all had Better Hope & Pray History Doesn’t Repeat Itself!

Comments by LD 22 Senate Candidate Clair Van Steenwyk:

I read the MCC Briefs this morning as usual and couldn’t help but notice once again a personal attack against me endorsing for my opponent in LD 22 Senate Race, so for any who read it here’s the one part I’m referring to at this point.
For those who don’t know or for that matter don’t care what the Definition of Perennial is, I thought it might be a Good time to post it so all can see it’s actually more of a Compliment than I’m certain they’d care to give me, so here’s the Definition or Perennial: lasting or existing for a long or apparently infinite time; enduring or continually recurring.
President Trump “his perennial distrust of the media”
synonyms: abiding, enduring, lasting, everlasting, perpetual, eternal, continuing, unending, unceasing, never-ending, endless, undying, ceaseless, persisting, permanent, constant, continual, unfailing, unchanging, never-changing

The comments of mine along with the definition will hopefully demonstrate that Endorsements must be taken with a Grain of Salt and a rather Large Grain of Salt in this case. It appears to me that the American Post – Gazette prefers someone who Supported & Voted For the National Popular Vote, PROP 123 and Red for Ed over Myself who’d Never Vote 4 the National Popular Vote ,as it violates the Oath of Office taken to Protect and Defend the U.S. Constitution Article 4 Section 4, and the two others mentioned also Violates AZ State Statutes, and believe me there are other Votes and Issues with my Opponent Livingston.
I’ve been receiving several rather large mailers from outside groups endorsing my opponent as well and can’t help but wonder why anyone would spend so much money to get a $24,000 a yr. part time job, I believe it’s due to his taking orders from at least one Lobbyist and will again, so know that’s what they’re trying to protect with all the $$$$$$$’s they’re throwing at US.

I’d like AZ to know I’ll never Vote for anyone who supported or Voted 4 the National Popular Vote or anyone who runs with them or Endorses them in an Election Cycle as when you check some of the Endorsers did support the National Popular Vote, and if it had been law we’d have had Lying Hillaryand the U.S. would never have Recovered from two Socialists in a Row in the White House.

This is for All AZ Voters, many in the GOP Legislature Voted 4 the NPV and so check their Records before you Vote 4 them, especially in LD’s 20,21 and 22.

God Bless You All; Clair VAN Steenwyk / Candidate 4 AZ’s LD 22 Senate Seat /

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