Van's Views

CD 8 & AZ Wake Up to the Political Games Going On!

AZ CD 8 Rigs CD 8 Forums?

Sheriff Mack stated in the MCRC Briefs: We are supposed to be the political party that is against picking winners and losers, but the Establishment just can’t help themselves. Only their crony friends with massive donors are allowed to play in what they always think is their own sandbox.

Van’s response, I’m no Crony Friend of GOP or Special Interest Donors, Lobbyists or Career Politicians, and learned running against Flake in 12 and Franks in 14 & 16, as not invited and also not allowed to speak at several events & LD’s, fought at LD’s, County & State, changes must be made by PC’s, will never be done by the Elites and Career Politicians.

I didn’t know invitations were sent in stages, my plan was to file 1st attaining our goal of 1,200 signatures by Dec 23rd, in just 12 days and filed on Dec. 29th after Christmas, and could have gotten more but then wouldn’t have achieved my goal to get press coverage, my strategy worked after filing 1st I contacted the AP in NY, then local AP called and got on 5 pm news, and in Robo calls, which we’d been excluded from, as Robos calls promoting party favorites the trusted Career Politicians so voters will believe only they’re relevant.

The Parties need proven followers promoted, by Party Leadership or Lobbyists, you know those who voted for these bills like the National Popular Vote Montenegro, HB 2184 and SB 1469 removing AZ Supt. Authority, giving it to Ducy’s hand picked BOE Lesko, and put PROP 123 on the ballot in a Rigged System supported by Lesko, Lovas and Montenegro, which didn’t deliver teachers promised raises with a rigged election.

The AG admits the election wasn’t properly carried out however refuses to deal with it, my Opponents claim to be conservatives, I believe they maybe Moderates, as conservatives don’t rob Peter to pay Paul and then say they want balanced budgets, and Dewit opposed PROP 123 and told them so, but the Deal had already been cut with the Governor and you don’t want to disappoint the BOSS in AZ Politics.

Where are the $$$$$$$$’s coming from supplying my 3 Career Political Opponents with all their signs, sites, handouts, and paid staff etc.? We had our signs up by Jan. 3rd and now 10% of our signs are gone as in my previous campaigns against Incumbent Career Politicians, and I don’t believe it’s the Dems as my opponents signs are still up next to where ours were.

I hope this clears up the issue at hand, however as long those running have built in Fan Clubs that don’t really do the research on their votes, but believes the Rhetoric vs. Records this type of behavior will continue.

I believe most know Einstein’s definition of Insanity, so here’s my Political Twist, Keep Voting for Career Politicians expecting a different result is Political Insanity, and if you think not, why is AZ still at the bottom of the Barrel in Education as the Gov. & Legislature have the Real Power to fix it, but don’t want to rock the gravy train of those who profit from the broken model. You don’t continue to pour gas into a Steam Engine expecting it to start, which is what they’re doing in and Out of Date Ed system top to bottom.

President Trump stayed alive because of his $$$$$$$$’s, and we’ re glad he did, but there hasn’t been any effect on removing the Career Politicians in DC, Phoenix or elsewhere demonstrated and for any concerned our Republic is at Risk if this type of Politics as usual continues.
God Bless You All; Clair VAN Steenwyk

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