Van's Views

AZ’s Career Politicians Can’t be Promoted!

AZ’s CD 8 here’s the Last Candidate Forum take a look and let us know what you think!

I was surprised by my Career Politician Opponents actually attacking one another’s records so openly, for over the yrs. when I exposed the Bad Votes of Lesko, Lovas or Montenegro I was accused and attacked of speaking against fellow Republicans, my how the Worm has now turned.
I suppose if you are a Career Opportunist Office Holder / Seeker it’s Okay, but if you’re just trying to get the Truth out whether one of my opponents on stage or McCain, Flake and others in the GOP, and not in or running for office then it’s an attack.

I wish those in the LD’s that have attacked me over the yrs. would ask themselves doesn’t this sound more like Fans then PC’s who are suppose to Represent Voters and Hold those in Office Accountable for their Bad Voting Records.

I’ve talked about so many different bills, all 3 of them supported PROP 123 and most PC’s in their LD’s didn’t costing AZ Land Trust Billions nor did Dewit, Lovas not truly responding to Montenegro’s comment about the Lovas Co. Fund raising, as left out the work done 4 Sen. John McCain, or Montenegro’s taking orders to vote 4 the NPV, and yes Lesko on the Ward amended HB 2184 and final Vote on SB 1469 stripping LD 22’s Diane Douglas of the Constitutional Authority given the Office in AZ’s Constitution over the Employees and handing it over to the Governor’s self appointed and rubber stamped Board of Education, and we all know there’s much more or should know.

The Scam being played on the AZ CD 8 Voters is shameful, and those who hold office in these LDs should be out exposing these and other votes and actions to the voters and that’s what a Representative Government is all about, it’s not the Cheer Leaders at a HS football game.

I know that I and others wrote a Bill to protect the Children in the Common Core misrepresentation and Lovas wouldn’t carry it, and now some of those who were so angry are supporting him, this isn’t how you correct bad service it’s how you invite more of it, and shame on you for knowing to do the Right thing and not doing it, remember you’re a Representative to and have no Right to misinform voters.

The Political Safe Zones must be Torn Down, and most didn’t know me in my business career, but that’s what I did for a living and was very successful at fixing mismanaged businesses, that to me is what this is, the difference is in business when you fix a business you get praised by the jobs you save and create not to mention the Financial Success for all, but in Politics when you Expose Bad Votes you get reviled, guess it only works when you have the $$$$$$$$$ needed to self fund, remember President Trump exposed the Incumbent SWAMP and now you’re protecting the AZ Septic Tank Managers.

I hope some who read this will start asking the important questions they should be asking, like what about their Voting Records, Where’s the Money Coming From, Why didn’t they finish the Contracts they all had with the Voters, when they ran and promised to serve them, if they’d vote 4 them or don’t verbal contracts matter, because if they don’t then you can’t and shouldn’t believe a word they say and especially true on any Money issue in the Light of PROP 123.

They now are all attacking one another some openly at Forums but much worse with the ROBO calls we’ve gotten from the 3 of them, just questions worth asking as someone has to be the Horn Blower and guess that’s My Role one more time, you know the old saying Old Political Soldiers Never Die but most hope they’ll eventually go away, Not going to happen there are Warning Labels on Food Products & Drugs and remember I worked in the Food Industry where we Protected Our Customers from harm.

I realize once again this will just encourage some in these LD’s to work harder against my candidacy then they already are, but that being said I don’t believe any of them didn’t expect that I’d eventually expose the SCAM the GOP is pulling on CD 8’s uninformed and misinformed voters, in closing this is how they and now you Built the SWAMP in DC and continue building the SEPTIC TANK in AZ.

God Bless You All; Clair VAN Steenwyk
Video of Candidate Forum:

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