Van's Views

Surprise Chamber of Commerce CD 8 Candidate Forum


Candidate 4 CD 8 Clair Van Steenwyk: I enjoyed the Forum last Saturday, as my Career Political Opponents actually attacked one another on several fronts such as the comments some made about Trump and who they supported in that primary, National Popular Vote, etc., the excuses given by them didn’t work.
I brought up votes on HB 2184 & SB 1469 stripping authority from the Supt., and handing it over to the BOE, or PROP 123 and the theft of Billions of Dollars from AZ Land Trust which Lovas, Lesko and Montenegro all supported no defense given.
I commented on the Career Politicians seeking higher paid jobs and no rebuttals, then Sen. Lesko stated that only she fought against EPCOR, and then retracted the statement, I responded that I’d been and am fighting EPCOR, but no time to reveal to the Voters that; ( COMPLAINTS FILED WITH THE AZCC February 25, 2014, customers from Cross River, Dos Rios, and Coldwater Ranch delivered over 100 letters to the Commission asking them to investigate their rates for water/wastewater service. Included was a letter from LD 22 State Representatives Lovas, Livingston and Senator Burges. The Legislators’ letter states that there’s a great discrepancy in rates between various communities in northwest valley. It points out the water/wastewater rates for the EPCOR Agua Fria District are nearly $100 more per month than for the EPCOR Sun City District and nearly $75 more than rates for several city water services. The letter asks AZCC to review the water/wastewater rates for this area. The letter also states the communities of Cross River, Dos Rios, and Corte Bella are geographically distant and physically unconnected to the Agua Fria Water District and that they use the NW Valley Regional Water Reclamation Facility even though they are paying for the White Tank Facility. The letter ends with a series of questions which it requests the Commission to investigate). What were LD 22 Legislators Thinking? This helped bring higher Rates 4 SC & SCW. September 2017.)
It appears LD 22 Legislators weren’t serving Sun City West Voters or for that matter the Citizens of AZ, but outside interests and when asked to make a public statement they refused, I hope this in a future Forum this gets discussed.
My point is they attack one another, but don’t respond to Facts about Records vs. just comments they’ve made and their Records vs. Rhetoric caused the damage, but there’s no defense for their Records and don’t want Voters Informed, so Ignore the Facts. I know most Career Politicians practice the Art of Avoidance and if they don’t respond to a comment made or question asked the process is that it will just go away and they can get away with not telling the Truth again, this is why the US is in Debt and losing what little Morality we have left.
God Bless You All; Clair VAN Steenwyk

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