• Van's Views

    China Used a Virus to Assist their Manchurian Biden Surrogate to Defeat President Trump and Install Biden whose Socialist Democrat Party to Fundamentally Transform America, as they say Never let a Crisis go to Waste. View, Read, Like & SHARE Video Link: https://rumble.com/ved5xf-china-virus-un-declared-war-w-sa.html President Eisenhower warned us about the Government Agencies at all Levels that would Dictate what US Citizens can & can’t do, as the Socialist Democrats & some Republicans at Federal, State, County &Cities are taking Our Freedoms away without even Firing a Shot, or Declaring Martial Law, and they used the China Virus Crisis to do it, as they say Never let a Crisis Go To Waste, and they didn’t.…

  • Van's Views

    Biden’s Social Media Free Speech Police

    AZ: We’ve now been Suspended by Social Media Giant’s Cancel Culture / Marxist Goons. I’ve been doing a number of Videos the last few months and posting them on Social Media w/ commentaries of course to explain to those interested in a more detailed way with info etc. to keep the video time shorter to attract viewers. The Videos that have been taken down are on AZ Voter Fraud as they stated the following in their message to me after taking down the video. You Tube Message: 1st Warning: Hi Clair Van Steenwyk, Our team has reviewed your content, and, unfortunately, we think it violates our spam, deceptive practices and scams policy. We’ve…

  • Van's Views

    Learn from History Or Be Doomed to Repeat It

    AZ Career Politicians Betray Voters Remove Them. View, Read, Like & Share This video and commentary is to remind all of us that we were warned, and ignored them even as some did with Paul Revere’s Ride warning the People of his day that the British are coming. In the 2012 AZ US Senate Campaign we traveled the state pounding the drum for Freedom by letting the people know that we’re sinking into Socialism thanks to those in office at all levels of AZ Government, however most didn’t accept the warnings and continued for the next couple of Elections to Vote 4 the Incumbents with the exception of President Trump including the…

  • Van's Views

    Obama’s Transformation Nightmare is Thriving in Obiden’s Administration Read, View, Like & Share We all suffered through the Obama Administration of a Weakened America that brought us Illegal Immigration out of control, China Ruling, Losing Manufacturing Jobs, Imported Oil, and so much more. I know most believed we were on our way to a full recovery with President Trump’s America 1st Policy, however between the GOP RepublicRats, Socialist Media, China Virus, Russia Hoax and so much more President Trump was never able to complete everything he’s wanted to do, and I realize President Trump got more done than he’d even promised, however his Dreams for the future gave all even more Hopes than…

  • Van's Views

    AZ’s Politicians Betrayal of Voters

    Violating Oath of Office = EVILRead, View & Share I’m posting this Video and commentary to remind Voters of the Illegal Political Deal made by Mrs. Douglas with Gov. Ducey & AZ Senators wasn’t done to bring Peace to the GOP but to hand over more Power Ducey’s Board of Education.Mrs. Douglas said she went along with this to have peace, well to gain Peace by Violating your Oath isn’t Peace, and Mrs. Douglas’ approval was and is a Violation of the Oath she took and other office holders betraying the Trust of AZ Voters. History Forgotten is Always Repeated / Better of Two Evils Equals EVIL.  The Sun City West GOP…

  • Van's Views

    Biden Fulfilling Obama’s Globalist Bosses Dream

    Obama said he’d Fundamentally Transform America View, Read, Like & Share His substitute Biden is now in the White House and following orders from the same Globalists that ran Obama, and moving forward with their dream, and a Nightmare for US and the World, that will Enslave US All. This Nightmare we’re living in can be stopped by making certain Nationwide we Demand All State, County, and City Elected Officials to do what we tell them to do by following the U.S. Constitution or be Removed. We must continue resisting this movement, and not willingly following like sheep, so Stand Up and Exercise Our God Granted Rights, and don’t waiver or History and…

  • Van's Views

    AZ’s Dr. Branch’s Political Plan 4 AZ w/ Van

    Everything You’ll Need to Prepare You to Serve America 1st View, Read, Like & Share I’m talking with Dr. Branch about what it takes to run for office in AZ, and how his Company can assist anyone thinking about running for office in AZ. I as most of you know have run for office and know 1st hand the challenges that face everyone who thinks about running, and especially all the unknowns they’ll face. The information you’ll need to make an informed decision before you decide whether or not to run, this is an opportunity to get the information you’ll need to make that decision, and will prevent you from…

  • Van's Views

    Biden’s 25+ Executive Orders = Monarchy

    Biden believes he’s a King and is turning the Presidency into a Monarchy! View, Like & Share Biden said he’d cross the aisle, well he did, he double crossed the Voters who were foolish enough to believe a Lifetime Politician & Socialist would ever compromise the Socialist Agenda as he & his Socialist Comrades busy Shredding the U.S. Constitution. The Executive Order isn’t a Law and can’t be enforced by the Executive Branch, so make sure you contact those in DC and States letting them know to fight back Now. His orders to shut down the pipeline costing Americans their jobs by the thousands, shutting down the oil industry by stopping drilling…

  • Van's Views

    AZ Patriots PAC is AZ GOP Accountable?

    AZ GOP Patriots Asks AZ GOP to Reform View, Like & Share Traci’s a GOP PC is speaking out about concerns she and many AZ Republicans have United hoping AZ’s Republican State Party would Reform its practice of Favoring Incumbents over Republican challengers. There are many in the GOP know the party apparatus is used to assure Incumbents special treatment over any Republican challenger in ways too numerous to mention, I’ve experienced this in my attempts to unseat Incumbents, as have others. The members making this effort have joined together statewide to get signatures to Recall Gov. Ducey for his mishandling the Nov. Election, and at the same time formed a…

  • Van's Views

    Biden’s Message of Unity ?????????

    Socialist Dems New Doctrine of Deprogram Trump Supporters View, Like & Share It   I’m certain many have heard the new message of the Socialist Elites to Deprogram supporters ofPresident Trump, this Indoctrination has been going on for Decades as most work to provide for families the Public Schools and Colleges have Divided us into Political & Moral Camps, talking with your children and grandchildren for the most part will prove the Socialist Democrats Indoctrinated the Children ushering in a Socialist America. Americans are in the middle of a Political Revolution, and the Socialist Democrats plan to leave Americans less Free, however they believe that most Americans will give up some Freedoms if guaranteed a Secure…

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