• Issues

    Government & Tax Reform

    US and AZ Government Reform PlanRestructure AZ Government *I’ve been calling for the US and AZ Legislatures to introduce bills calling for a complete restructuring of the entire tax systems,to bring all Laws/Statutes into compliance with US and AZ Constitution for several years now. *We have Two Choices, either a Flat Tax or Fair Tax System. A Flat Tax simplifies tax codes Unleashing an Economic Boom creating or bringing Hundreds of Companies and thousands of jobs to AZ, boosting wages and expand opportunity for all, so that those who do achieve success are punished for it. *Flat Tax Plans won't get the fed or state out of your life, *or…

  • Issues

    Gun Rights

    Our God Granted Gun Rights Are Guaranteed us in the 2nd Amendment  The Right to Bear Arms, is a Right Granted by God for All Americans, must include the ammunition needed for the firearms, as with no bullets the weapon is basically useless, there can be no restrictions on the Ammunition needed by the owners of the Arms, believe it's one in the same thing, and no man or court has the authority to take Our Rights from us. In the Declaration of Independence,Thomas Jefferson stated, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights…”…

  • Issues

    Restore States Land

    Restore All Western States Lands! View Relevant 2012 Video The federal government must get out of the land business and return land to states, with the exception of military bases, federal buildings and all others having to do with our national defense. More than 65% of AZ is currently controlled by the federal government and thereby doesn’t provide any tax base or economic growth to AZ. Arizonans’ State and Federally Elected Office Holders; Work together and put forth legislation in AZ and DC, to begin the process of restoring to Arizona millions of acres now under the control and management of the federal government. I've stated over the past few…

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    Education Reform

    * US & AZ Education Reform –View Relevant 2012 Video We must close the Federal Dept of Ed, as it's and Unconstitutional Dept. and then the States will be able to move forward and improve the Education and Futures of our Children. Van spoke out against Amendment to HB 2184 in the AZ Senate Ed Committee, along with others. In spite of their testimony, AZ GOP Senators voted for GOP Leadership and Dr. Ward's Amended Bill, directed by Sen. President Biggs and Gov. Ducey-- you can’t do the will of the people taking orders from the GOP Leadership in AZ or DC!This hearing was long before Van decided not to…

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    Serve Our Vets!My positions on Our Military Benefits View Relevant 2012 Video No More Undeclared Wars or Nation Building, proven failed policies resulting in costs to our children. We need legislation that moves the VA into the Defense Department will also save the tax payer billions in wasted funds and fraud at the Federal Level, resulting in better care for Our Vets, as then will be directly managed by the Military and hopefully staffed at the VAs by Vets. We as a Nation have a Duty to provide their medical / mental heath needs for for life, only requirement is they served. They'll go to a VA or Pvt. Facility…

  • Issues


    Positions on Natural Born, Birth Right Citizenship, Merit Immigration & Illegal Aliens / Low Cost Labor The US Constitution clearly requires the Federal Government to Protect the States from Invasion, with at least 1 million Illegal Aliens coming across our southern border into the States each year it's clearly and invasion. In 1954 President Eisenhower stated if you have people within you borders and don't know who they are, it’s called an Invasion. Ike also Protected and Defended America as Our European Commander during WW II), (deporting plan in June of 1954), take a lesson from a Real Commander in Chief who saw the danger of an invasion by Non…

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