Van's Views

AZ US Senate Candidate Forum McCain / Ward / Van Steenwyk

My Fellow AZ Citizens:

I along with my two opponents were interviewed by PBS Reporter; Lorraine Rivera and it played on PBS Stations across AZ, however we discovered not all received the message in time to view, here’s the link to just sit back take a look and then decide who to vote for: /, I was the last interviewed and I’m fairly certain none of us knew just what would be asked however once I viewed it myself on air, saw it couldn’t have been better for us.  I believe we did well and look forward to hearing from all of you as to your take on this and hope you share with your entire circle or relatives and friends to help them decide who to support remembering this will be for no less than 6 yrs. for myself or McCain ( Record vs. Rhetoric: ), but the next 24 yrs. for Ward ( Record vs. Rhetoric: ), I for one don’t want anymore Career Politicians in AZ or DC.

We hope you enjoy this as much as we did making it and yes some of my comments were edited out as I tried to get the Word out about Voters going to Vote Now at the Early Voting Polls in many areas through out AZ and hope you’ll do the same, we need these Voters now so we’ll have them in Nov. when we’ll need to bring Mr. Trump the Victory we all need, so for any reading this please get as many Registered Republican, Independents and No Particular Party Voters to Vote, so we’ll have them in November.
We’re asking for your help to defeat two Politicians with proven records of doing what they’re told to do by the GOP Establishment in DC and AZ, looking forward to your comments. We unfortunately lost the Primary so 6 more years of McCain, however Trump won and now looking forward to President Trump keeping His Promises.

God Bless You All; Clair Van Steenwyk

Clair’s available to speak / meet with groups or private citizens upon request; use contact button above, call 623-322-9979, or email:

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