Van's Views

AZ GOP Republicrats in Charge!

LD 22 PC & Former Candidate 4 DC 8’s Open Seat Clair Van Steenwyk; The Maricopa County Briefs March 9th points to the behavior of so called conservative legislators, and we need to look at what they mean by Conservative as it’s not what some may think, but an entirely different meaning by their Political Standards, as they’re trying to Conserve Politics as Usual in AZ.

My comments written and stated during CD 8 Primary about former Gov. Brewer bringing us Common Core, Obama Care and a Tax Increase meant for Education ending up in the General Fund, but the Press and GOP Elites didn’t mention this Fruad to AZ Voters. We had Former Sen. Lesko brag about being endorsed by former Republicrat Brewer and most have no memory of what Brewer really did or for that matter most of Lesko’s votes as well. I’d also like to remind all of you if the bad news about Lesko would have come out in late Jan. we may have had an entirely different result and also recall 65% of the the Voters didn’t Vote 4 her as well, a good place to start a Campaign against her for August of 18. 

The Battle to cut back or eliminate the Proxy system at all Levels Local is a long one, and seems the GOP won’t give up the One Tool used to Control how the AZ GOP is run, and this proves how Corrupt the GOP truly is. 

I observed in the CD 8 race one Candidate was attacked for his vote on the NPV, while at the same time LD 13 appointed someone to take Lesko’s vacated seat with someone who’d done the same thing, and will probably elect him back in and most the Voters in LD 13 won’t even hear about it.

I hope if we lose this one the PC’s will revolt this time and find Candidates to run against these Republicans who’s so called Conservative Credentials are really to Conserve Politics as Usual in AZ. 

I do believe if the People will just take a solid stand against these Talking Heads we’d be able to defeat them, but need to take a Stand in the Election Cycle and in that lies the problem as most don’t and many won’t as they believe we must be United, well United in what more of the same?
God Bless You All; Clair VAN Steenwyk

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