Van's Views

AZ CD 8 Career Politicians Trash Talk!

Candidate for CD 8 Clair VAN Steenwyk Comments: The CD8 Race Heats Up: Getting Ugly, Election Tuesday – Here are some Links:

The Race for the House seat that Mr. Franks recently had to resign due to his behavior towards staffers in DC seems to be on the rise not only in DC but also in AZ with Mr. Montenegro’s behavior as well, and now Ms. Lesko’s lose behavior with what seem to be violations of the Financial Standards of both AZ and the FEC. 

It appears the so called front runners former buddies still Trashing one another when opportunity knocked to demonstrate just how much they Covet this Federal Seat and will do almost anything to win this race for a Guaranteed Career in Politics that all deny they want. 

I’ve spectated most of my life in politics by volunteering and doing talk political radio, until I ran the 1st time in 2012 against Flake and then 14 and 16 vs. Franks, however don’t recall this much political poison in a US House seat specially between those who were joined at the Hip and actually support Franks stating they still Respect him and his voting Record.

I also hope the participants in this GOP Race realize this Dirt will be revisited on them if one of them wins and again in August Primary. I hope this gets settled on Feb. 27 with none of them winning, as it could cost US a GOP seat which we can’t afford to lose now or in Nov.

Jean and I thank all who’ve supported us and lets hope to change History in AZ on Election DayRemember Your Votes are your Voice.
God Bless You All; Clair & Jean Van Steenwyk

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