Van's Views

Sen. McCain’s Record


How sad he once again fooled 51+% of the voters in 2016 Primary so just far to many uninformed, misinformed or don’t want to be informed Voters and McCain has the left over Name Recognition from 2008 Presidential Race, however certain this will be his last run.

• Wrote the McCain-Kennedy and “Gang of Eight” immigration bills, which would grant amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants Senator McCains’ Voting Record
• Voted to confirm liberal Obama appointees including Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, and John Kerry
• Voted to confirm liberal justices to the Supreme Court including Stephen Breyer and Ruth Bader Ginsburg
• Voted for the TARP program to bail out failing Wall Street banks
• Voted to fund the implementation of Obamacare
• Voted for the $600 billion fiscal cliff tax hike that raised taxes on 80% of Americans
• Voted in favor of gun control legislation that would have expanded background checks and led to a federal gun registry
• Voted against term limits for members of Congress
• Voted against the 2003 pro-growth tax relief bill
• Voted against a constitutional amendment protecting traditional marriage
• Opposed the repeal of the Roe vs. Wade abortion decision
• Voted to Allow Sodomy in the Military.
• Voted 21 Times to increase the National Debt Ceiling. Results of his votes, he took office in Jan. 1983 National Debt $1,377,000.000.00 and 37% of GDP, as of June 2015 National Debt $18 Trillion and rising and now 108% of GDP, seems he’s failed at managing the Budget and if employed in the Private Sector would have been fired long ago as managing the Nations Debt is one of the duties he has, question is can we continue to afford keeping Sen. McCain employed at the expense of US all.
• This Oct. 16, 2011 article titled, “McCain Okay With Cutting Military Benefits,”tells a different story. The Army Timesand the Navy Times substantiate the report.
• Then watch his Feb. 2, 2008 performance, as he disgracefully insults and shuts down Delores Alfond, Chair of the National Alliance of Families, seeking information about American POW/MIAs unaccounted for since their service in Vietnam.
• John McCain talks on Pro Life or Pro Abortion: This is more of his double talk, take the a listen as he says we share the same goals, this man is obviously so eager to win an election he’ll say almost anything to stay in office.  There are other videos that play with this man speaking and taking and changing his positions as the winds blows and we in AZ know how quickly this man Changes his Positions, like the Statements made on Illegals.  Senator McCain: Where’s the Dang Fence?  For Pro Life / Pro Abortion statement:start at beginning,  Click Here to View Video
• For his statements and Double Talk on other Issues Click Here to View
• Here are some more interesting Facts about Senator McCain’s rise to power in DC, the positions of power he now exercises at will aren’t to serve us but to promote his agenda and that of his bosses in Big Business and the Military Industrial Complex, you be the judge.
McCain’s Twisted TruthBy William Heuisler- Republican John McCain is running again. Can he win? He spends millions to twist truth and fool Arizona But this carefully researched information untanglessome twisted truths about John McCain.
• He says he “didn’t break the law,” in the “Keating Five” But McCain conspired to stop the Federal Home Loan Bank Board (FHLBB) from regulating Charles Keating’s Lincoln Savings. Among many sources, a book,Trust Me by Binstein & Bowden explains in detail how Keating bought McCain. In the early 80s Keating donated $112,000 to McCain’s campaigns and hosted $1000-a-plate fund raisers for him. For years Keating flew McCain around the US in private jets and on vacations to his CatCay Bahama Island. In1986 Keating arranged a $359,100. Fountain Square Mall “deal” (that Cindy McCain sold for 15 million in 1998). In return John McCain delayed FHLBB regulators for years as Lincoln Savings & Loan stole Life savings of retired Sun City and Green Valley Arizonans, selling them worthless, uninsured bonds as if they were covered by FSLIC.……
• The Keating Five delayed regulation of Lincoln in 1987 & 1988 while Keating stole $1.1 Billion. McCain said he was “helping a constituent” and “intended nothing improper”. But McCain never filed Financial Disclosure Statements or attempted any reimbursements until Keating was charged.

  • However he did attend meetings with 4 other Senators to protect Keating from Government inquiries. Lincoln collapsed in 1989 and then the truth was twisted again with breathtaking political dishonesty. Quoting Senate & House notes: “Senate Ethics Committee did not pursue, for lack of jurisdiction, any possible ethics breaches in McCain’s delayed reimbursements to Keating for trips at the latter’s expense, because they occurred while McCain was in the House.” The House Committee on Standards said that it too, “lacked jurisdiction, because McCain was no longer in the House”.
  • More DoubleStandards & Talk in the DC Government that is suppose to serve us, while all along they just cover up the faults of each other at our expense. Congress twisted the truth and McCain escaped justice.
  •  Remember McCainvoted to fund Obamacare.His Soros-backed McCain-Feingoldsilenced Conservatives in 2012 as IRS thugs targeted us.  McCain-Kennedy & Gang of Eight promoted Immigrant Amnesty. Mob-connected Kemper Marley gave candidate McCain $553,000 in 1982, in 1986 & 1987 McCain helped Charles Keating steal the life savings of many elderly Arizonans.
  • In Closing: Election Cycles are Critical to Our Nationwhether we sink deep into a Socialistic Nation or Restore Ourselves to a True Republic form of Government. The choices are clear, we must never support anyone that votes against or compromises the US Constitution and Our Freedoms and believe that’s what most of us believe in and hope for, and the GOP Elite Power Brokers are Afraid of: ( Time to Drain All Political Swamps)…<
  •  God Bless You All; Clair Van Steenwyk

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