Gun Rights

Our God Granted Gun Rights Are Guaranteed us in the 2nd Amendment
The Right to Bear Arms, is a Right Granted by God for All Americans, must include the ammunition needed for the firearms, as with no bullets the weapon is basically useless, there can be no restrictions on the Ammunition needed by the owners of the Arms, believe it's one in the same thing, and no man or court has the authority to take Our Rights from us.
In the Declaration of Independence,Thomas Jefferson stated, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights…”
The Constitution isn't giving us Our Rights, it simply guarantees that government can't take Our God Granted Unalienable Rights from US. We need only to defend and protect the US Constitution as Granted US by God through our founding fathers, to keep US Free.
In Closing I believe Election Cycles are Critical for Our Nation and States as to whether we sink deeper into a Socialistic Nation or Restore Ourselves to a True Republic form of Government.
The choice is clear, never support those voting against or compromising the US Constitution and Our Freedoms, I believe that’s actually what most of you are hoping for and the Elite Power Brokers are afraid of: (Time to Drain All Political Swamps)...
God Bless You All; Clair Van Steenwyk
Originally posted by Clair 9/11/2011 Updated 7/17/2015