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Oprah’s Marshmallow Interview w/ Harris

Cheerleaders 4 Harris Hard to Watch!

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I watched the Entire Video, and it was very difficult as Oprah at one time the shows she did could be trusted, but now it all about Winning and Not for US but for her & groupies continuing to Sell Bad Programs already in Place and Never Challenged anything V.P. Harris had done for the last 3yrs. & 8 months, as the Plan to Diminish the US Citizens by allowing Millions of Illegal Entries into Our Nation and yes that does include Terrorists and Gangs from all around the World, I’ll try to commenting One Issue at a time.

To lay the Ground Work for this I want you to know as Oprah’s Old Network did when the Debate with Harris & Trump took place there was No FACT Checking Done on any of Harris’s Comments or Non Answers to Questions so appears to be more of a Promotion than a Program to Inform Voters with the Truth.

The Show opened by asking the Audience to State Who & Why they were there and this was done by Groups Defining them by Blacks or White Women, Black or White Men, etc., however No Hispanic or Jewish Groups.

When Oprah 1st spoke with Harris she stated when Pres. Biden dropped out and she was named to replace him it was like a Vail falling over her and she saw a new person, unfortunately (a Vail is used to Cover not Reveal and that’s where we are today there is a Vail over Harris and most of her followers either don’t know it hasn’t been lifted or don’t care.)

There were also Terms Joy, Optimism, & of course Time to Turn the Page, and like a Love Letter.

(No Policy or Plans and the Page Harris wants to Turn is the last 3yrs. & 8 months.)

1st Question by a Blackman only mentioning this because Oprah defined participants by Groups, He asked what will you do to secure the Border, Harris responded it was the GOP’s Fault for not Voting for the Bill that would have done the following, (Here’s what the people pushing this “deal” aren’t telling you: It accepts 5,000 illegal immigrants a day and gives automatic work permits to asylum recipients—a magnet for more illegal immigration, and then would be a Law and the next President would have to abide by it or get a New Law Passed to Repeal it, by the way in the Last Employment Report given, Newly Employed 2.4 Million Non Citizens and Lost Employment 1.2 Million American Citizens, looks like Non Citizens as they don't call them Illegals are taking Jobs.

(That’s why Republicans voted NO, just do the math, 5,000 x 365 days = 1,825,000 a yr. plus Got Aways, BAD BILL). Of Course Oprah Bailed Harris Out Again by asking would you sign it if it came to your Desk and Harris replied YES, but if Republicans have a Majority in Either or Both Houses never Happen and No Follow Up just meant to make Harris who’s in charge of the Border look like she’s now wants Security even if it’s Fake and No Question on Deporting Illegals as the Dems need the New Voters, and also no Mention of the Gangs and Terrorists who are now operating within communities, in addition the Budget on the Bill was 110 B., and only 20 B. Would go to Border the Ukraine 60 B, Israel 14 B, Gaza 10 B, so why any monies to anything but the Border as that’s what the Bill was suppose to do, Harris using Border for other groups and fooling the American Voters once again.)

2nd question what will you do to fix Inflation and Harris gave a Word Salad 1st and then said she’d put in Price Controls on those charging to much like the Grocers, and would give $25,000 to 1st time home buyers and $50,000 to any New Small Business, and once again Oprah followed that up with AMEN, AMEN Cheerleading for with Harris.

( Harris should know by now the Grocers work on a Profit Margin from 1 to 2%, I know that personally from working in the Food Business most of my Adult Life and it would cause Shortages and tried by Nixon in the 70’s didn’t work then either, and also handing out $$$$$$$ would drive up the Cost of Homes & Rent for All, not to mention all they have to do to make it easier to Operate or Start a Small Business is to Remove the New Regulations she’s put into Effect since taking office.)

Harris attacked Trump on his Tax Bill & Lied about the 2017 Tax Breaks as well & Trumps New One if Elected and Roe vs. Wade.
(Once Again No Fact checks, and never mentioned that’s its back in the States where the Residents get the Vote as it should be, but then the Dems want Federal Rule no Citizens Rights.)

Harris said she owned a Gun but still wants to Ban certain Weapons, and No Challenge by Oprah Again.

( The Crime issue never really mentioned even though it’s now a Proven Fact that Crime is up and as far as killings just take a look at Chicago, Oakland, NY, DC, SF, this is a Real Emergency not being addressed by the Local City Bosses as they hand out Billions to Give Medical Care, House, Educate, Feed Illegals some of which are Gang Members and Terrorists as they’ve migrated into the Upper Cities of the US and also Raping, Killing, Car Theft etc. and No Federal Help from Harris and this is who Oprah pushes forth to have people Trust, well there’s no Credibility in her or the so called Hollywood types that don’t live in these cities, towns and even rural areas and they never cover the Human & Child Slave Trade plus the over 325,000 Children the Harris Administration had Lost, I wonder who has them and what’s happened to all of them, if you want to watch this video go for it, however once was enough for me and I’ll repeat once again for me this was nothing more than a Misinformation Cheerleading Commercial by the Elites with a good # of Community Activists who never talked about Issues and if they win we’d better all move into Safe RED States where we'll need be Safer from the New Order.)

(Harris still has NO POLICIES and states she has the Same Values as always, so for me that means same Policies as Before Due to Harris’s Values, so her Word Salads are meant to Mislead All of US and Hope those supporting her will figure this out before they Vote 4 her and put the Entire Free World at Risk.)

God Bless You All; Clair Van Steenwyk /

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