Van's Views

Biden’s Pardon Handouts!

We need to understand just why Pres. Biden is preparing more Pardons and believe this will extend to more Family Members, however will probably also include a # of his Cabinet and others.
Not a Big Leap to understand why his family members as all the government agencies need to do is Follow the $$$$ the Biden Political Favor Handout Crime Family became so Wealthy, and if he pardons All of them then it would End All the Investigations of All of them.

Now why would Biden also Pardon members of his Cabinet and Agency Heads as well, the main reason is if not difficult to understand why they need Pardons as they can be tried for High Crimes & Misdemeanors as they've Violated their Oath of Office & many Federal Laws & Committed Purgery when they Testified to Congress and In Public to the American People in Order to Mislead them, like Fauci on the Covid / China Virus, Bidonomics, Borders being Secure to name just a couple of them.
Now as long as we're at it I'd also like to see a Deep Dive into the National Press Agencies both Social, Broadcasting, and Written as to how they joined in on Misleading the American Voters.

Now as for the News People whether Socialist, Progressive, Liberal, Moderate, Conservative etc., and how they also assisted in Misleading the American Public, one Small Way but to myself it's Extremely Important and continues even now as to when they refer to the Democrat Party they both call it and use ticker tape style headers calling them Democratic Party, when in Fact they're Not, they are the Democrat Party and all who register to vote register as Democrrats and to use the Word Democratic misleads the Public and especially those who don't understand the Difference, in fact I believe when they said Pres. Trump was out to Destroy Democracy believed they were talking about the Democrat Party itself, when in fact that's being done by the Marxists in the Democrat Party with help from some outside of it as the Results of the Nov. Election Proved.

( So Lets call them by their Real Name Democrats and if those in the Media are confused by that then just don't say anything about them at all, as no info is better than Mileading the Public to believe they're the party of Democratic Party, if anyone reading this knows anyone at Fox etc. Share this with them, as I already have contacted Hosts of Shows and to no Avail. )

I've also listened intently to the Commentators & Hosts on Fox, OAN etc. say they don't understand why the Democrats don't understand what their Border & Monetary Policies are doing to the Nation or why they keep doing It.

In my opinion if those who are suppose to inform us Don't truly understand then why Bother even turning them on, as if they're that confused and say so then I don't believe we need to get any information from them, and remember I'm talking about what most call Conservative Broadcasters, Commentators like Ingram, Hannity, Waters etc., as the answer to the Question is very simple and even Stated Openly by Obama in his Campaign.

Obama said his Mission was and I believe still is as He said to Fundamentally Transform America, which is the Mission of what some call Progressives or Far Left and what I truly believe is just a nice way of saying Marxist who Infect not only the Democrat Party but have also spread this Cancer throughout the U.S. & State Governments, Education / Indoctrination Institutions and they're actually the ones who run the Country and not the people we Vote 4, and yes it's time to Remove All of them from Our Employ and Remind those we've just Voted 4 they Work for US and had better get the Job Done we Hired them to do as most come up again in 2 yrs. and we can and must Remove them if they don't Deliver on What We the People Voted 4, and the Especially Includes giving Pres. Trump approval for those he wants in his Cabinet to get this Job Done.

Let's Make America a Republic Again as that's what Made it Great to Begin with, and Remember Our Liberty is a Gift of God and not government, so lets begin asking God 4 Guidance and then get up off our Knees and March Forward, like the old Hyms Onward Christian Soldiers as we've only Won One Battle but the Political War is still Raging in DC and across the Country.

God Bless You All; Clair Van Steenwyk

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